For the past three years we have been working with Public and Private land owners and managers in projects such as:

  • Farm fencing
  • Environmental exclusion cages
  • Pest, weed and animal control - including rabbit and fox management via our professional shooting team
  • Land clearing
  • Re-vegetation (tree, shrubs, grasses) with maintenance watering
  • Development of parks and gardens, carparks and upkeep
  • Cultural, ecological and fuel reduction burns
  • Cultural site identification and registration
  • Assessment with protection works in and around Aboriginal Cultural Heritage sensitive areas

...and much much more.

We have also been working in partnership with our surrounding Traditional Owner groups, many Local and State Government bodies/departments as well as local businesses in all areas of Environmental Land Management and Conservation planning and on ground works. Contact us for an evaluation and quote today

For more detailed information about some of our key services, please see below.



Preparing for fire season is so important across Australia, the right preparation can help protect our assets, people, flora and fauna from the Australian summer and potential fire threats. Fire holds an important place in Australian land management heritage, our ancestors used fire to care for the country. Cultural Burning involves the application of culturally informed knowledge and ecologically sensitive techniques in the use of fire that are appropriate for the diverse range of landscapes and ecosystems that exist in Australia. Utilising these traditional methods we are able to protect the land through a gentle and slow burn which helps with invasive weed control and preservation of native species of plants which require the application of heat and or smoke to germinate the seeds and many native and endangered species which can avoid or survive a slow gentle fire.

These fires can be used to protect assets and prepare for fire seasons support the revegetation of damaged areas and encourage native growth.



Protecting our culture is an important part of Barapa Land & Water. Our team are able to work with you on your development to review the impacts on Aboriginal objects and places through the development of environmental and heritage assessments ensuring the protection of ‘Aboriginal cultural places, values and customs’. We will work with you on the development of a Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) which outlines measures to be taken before, during and after an activity in order to manage and protect Aboriginal cultural heritage in the area where your project is being undertaken.



Australia is home to a wide variety of imported pests such as foxes, pigs, and rabbits which impacts negatively on plants and soils which can potentially lead to erosion. This is also applicable to weeds which are impacting native species of fauna in the landscape. Appropriate control of pests and weeds is necessary to care for and protect cultural sites and important plants and animals’ habitat. Our experienced team are ready to be engaged to remove unwanted pests and weeds.



Our team’s rich knowledge and history in the region enables them to be the right partner for land revegetation projects. Developing regeneration plans and planting native species back in an area improves the quality and productivity of the land. Re-establishing the natural native habitat creates flourishing habitat to attract native wildlife.



Barapa Land & Water are able to bring your outdoor space to life, bringing together traditional Aboriginal cultural elements with the desired utilisation and look and feel of the space.  Specialising in commercial and private contracts for the establishment of landscapes along with the maintenance and upkeep of the space ongoing. We pride ourselves in delivering high quality workmanship bringing your space to life and creating the look and feel you are after.